
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

in honor of the boss.

Today the world watches as 33 miners are each pulled to safety from 70 days of darkness. They argued over not who would reach freedom first, but rather, who would be the last to go up the 2,067 foot shaft. The reporters have confirmed that the last man up will indeed be the boss. The foreman of the group. The leader that gave them hope from that very first dark moment. Yes. This man, who has every right to be the first, will be going up last. 22 hours after his crew is safe he will ascend into bright lights, hugs, and happiness.

Happy Bosses Week, to mine, to theirs... to all of the great men and women who step up and lead.


  1. Aim,
    I thought this story was really inspiring. I like what you had to say!
